October 17, 2017

Introducing Team MostFit - Colleen Flaherty

MostFit would like to introduce you to our new, reinvigorated, team of fitness and health ambassadors. Each week we will introduce you to a different member:

 Colleen Flaherty - Podcast Host, Strength Coach, pre natal Exercise Specialist

Colleen Flaherty prokreate pre natal strength and conditioning

Owner of Prokreate
Host of Prokreate Radio
Co-Creator of The Pregnancy Functional Strength Guides and Seminar

Facebook  Prokreate

Instagram @fit2prokreate


Colleen Flaherty's passion is allowing women to feel the strength of their bodies and minds with strength training as one direct avenue to getting in touch with one's self. As a woman who's been exercising since she was a teenager and working with kids/families just as long, Colleen knows the confidence, stress-relief, and power one feels from fun, appropriate movement.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." by Khalil Gibran is her favorite quote. After ACL reconstruction in both knees, not only does Colleen have physical scars to prove she's been through battle, she also knows one can not evolve without going through struggle. Lifting weights/resistance training is a physical struggle that makes your body stronger and also challenges the mind to overcome barriers of what we THINK we're capable of. As women prepare themselves for pregnancy and becoming a mother, not only do they have to prepare their bodies, but also their minds, emotions, and spirits. This might mean doing the work to let go of beliefs/stories to emerge more aware, ready to embrace motherhood from a relaxed, open, positive place.